Forslag vises etter at du har skrevet inn søkeordene. Bruk opp- og nedpilene for å bla gjennom resultatene. Bruk enter til å velge. Hvis valget er en setning, blir denne setningen sendt til søkeruten. Hvis forslaget er en lenke, navigerer nettleseren til den siden.

Hva betyr det å håndheve eller fravike fra mine kanselleringsvilkår?

If your guest changes a monthly stay with less than 30 days notice, you have the option to either enforce or waive your cancellation policy.

If you enforce your cancellation policy:

  • Your guest is charged for the remaining nights of the original reservation up to 30 nights from the date of the alteration request
  • Your cancellation policy is immediately reinstated after the alteration is accepted
  • Your calendar will be updated with the new dates

If you waive your cancellation policy:

  • Your guest is only charged for the actual nights stayed
  • Your cancellation policy is only waived temporarily to allow for the alteration, but it’s not waived for the entire reservation
  • Your cancellation policy is immediately reinstated after the alteration is accepted
  • Your calendar is updated according to the new dates

If your guest alters the dates of a monthly stay with more than 30 days notice, you won't see the option to accept or decline the alteration request since the long-term cancellation policy already covers those 30 nights.

Please note: Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

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